Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF September

Regroup with friends old and new this month, Scorpio. September spotlights all varieties of relationships, from casual connections to intimate ties. With the Sun traveling through Virgo and your collaborative eleventh house until September 22, it’s a great time to join forces with kindred spirits socially and for a shared mission. Whether you’re registering voters for the upcoming midterm elections or dusting off your synthesizer to start a jam band, the more is the merrier now.

With energizer Mars spending the next six months in Gemini and your intense eighth house of mergers, a powerful partnership could heat up between now and March. There will be nothing light and breezy about this one. It might be a business alliance that creates serious mutual gain. Or it could be a relationship that’s either deepening into official terrain or splitting up for good. 

Warning: If you’re dividing up any shared property or pursuing a legal battle, things could get contentious, especially when Mars turns retrograde from October 30 until January 12. Take that as a cue to hash things out sooner rather than later so it doesn’t have to get ugly. Since Mars is the minor/classical ruler of Scorpio, you’ll feel its transits strongly.

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Speaking of retrogrades, there’s a whole bunch of them this month. All of the slow-moving outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune AND Pluto (your ruler)—are powered down in retrograde (backward) motion for the whole month. And on September 9, communication planet Mercury joins the retrograde brigade, foiling technology, schedules and day-to-day interactions until October 2. 

Whew! You might be ready for a break by the time the Sun downshifts into Libra and your restful twelfth house this September 22. Take one, Scorpio. Pull back from the fray as much as you can. Focus on tying up loose ends before your birthday—and Scorpio season, which includes another game-changing eclipse in your sign this year.

Come together! It’s Virgo season until September 22

September’s in full social swing, with friends and collaborators popping up at every turn. As the Sun travels through Virgo and your eleventh house of networking until September 22, you’re in outgoing spirits, eager to connect with like-minded people who have something interesting to say! With Mercury retrograde starting September 9 (more on that in a minute), you could get back in touch with some fascinating old friends.

While you don’t always love to share your crayons, Virgo season highlights teamwork and technology. Use the first three weeks of the month to polish your social media profiles, connect with kindred spirits and get your idealistic message out to the masses. A little “digital Feng Shui” will do a world of good—and who knows what treasures you’ll find as you start cleaning and sorting those old electronic files and photos?

Mercury is retrograde September 9 to October 2

Careful who slips between the cracks of your tightly-sealed chamber, Scorpio! On September 9, expressive Mercury, the planet of technology, communication and travel, turns retrograde. Back up your data and devices beforehand, since Mercury’s mayhem can impact your electronic files.

Until September 23, Mercury will be retrograde in Libra and your twelfth house of illusions, closure and healing. Have you been getting mixed signals or feeling uncertain about whether to stay or go in a certain situation? Slow down and do a gut check before barreling ahead. Someone in your inner circle may not have your back. And while you needn’t jump to conclusions, don’t ignore any weird vibes.

While Mercury retrograde can scramble the signals, it’s also a fruitful time to work through your confusion by tuning in. Maybe there’s a reason that you clench up around a coworker—but is it because they make you feel unsafe, or do they remind you of someone from your past? This could be a powerful moment to sort through some childhood fears. The twelfth house rules hidden agendas and, in some cases, secret enemies. Make sure the people in your orbit have earned your trust before you just hand it over to them.

The twelfth house also governs the imagination, and yours could be enriched by Mercury’s reversal. Have you abandoned a creative project? Pick it up again! Fallen out of touch with beloved relatives? Reconnect. The mentally astute planet in your sensitive twelfth house is a prompt to trek down memory lane and get in touch with deeper emotions—including nostalgia, grief or pain you’ve pushed aside for a long time.

On September 23, Mercury will back into Virgo and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. This could spell even more disruptions in group endeavors since wires are likely to get crossed and power struggles can ensue. Be extra mindful about what you email and post as you’re likely to be wildly misunderstood. An old friend or colleague could resurface, which could be a sweet reunion. However, if there were red flags the last time you saw them, clear the air and address it openly to ensure that bad history doesn’t repeat itself.

Fall romance? The September 10 Pisces full moon

Lights, camera, Scorpio! On September 10, the full moon blooms in Pisces and your passionate fifth house. If there was ever a weekend to book a lusty getaway or a thrilling adventure day trip, this is it. Your creativity will also be at peak levels, so answer the call of the muse. Throwing paint on a canvas, rocking the karaoke mic or dancing like there’s no tomorrow: Whatever releases all your pent-up energy will do! 

If it’s pure frustration you need to unload, smacking a pillow or a punching bag could be your perfect full-moon rage-releaser ritual. This expressive full moon opens the floodgates. It can also attract major buzz for your talents, so put yourself out there today and share your gifts with the world. For Scorpios of the childbearing set, the fifth house rules fertility, and a full moon here can be favorable for pregnancy. Consider yourself notified!

Libra season starts September 22, plus the September 25 Libra new moon

Power down from September 22 on, when the Sun slips into Libra and your twelfth house of closure, healing and rest. You’ll be ready for a sweet escape now, and it might be “destination: mattress” during this sleepy four-week cycle. Conserve your energy and focus on tying up loose ends before your birthday—and Scorpio season! 

The September 25 Libra new moon can be a beautiful moment for creativity and fantasy as your whimsical twelfth house twinkles in the autumn light. Have you been holding a grudge that’s eating at YOU? This new moon invites you to complete the forgiveness and amends-making process. Trade that resentment for radical acceptance. You can’t change the past, but you CAN make better choices for the future. Protect your own boundaries and let yourself be vulnerable and open again.

That’s not to say you should sweep things under the rug or simply “trust the universe.” This new moon will oppose outspoken Jupiter in your analytical and precise sixth house. You may need to make some crystal-clear agreements for how you’ll go forward before you can proceed with a certain relationship again.

Have you been ignoring a health matter or have you lapsed on your checkups? The Libra new moon is a reminder to stay on top of your vitals and get a professional opinion rather than self-diagnosing. You’ll feel much better when you deal with facts and data. Do pay attention to the mind-body-spirit connection, no matter what. If something feels “off,” it could be your subconscious telling you to pay attention to an emotional issue you’ve been ignoring.

Temperatures may be dropping outside, but indoors, they’re just starting to heat up! For the next six months, passion planet Mars is blazing through Gemini and your intimate, seductive eighth house. This slow burn, which began on August 20, continues until March 25, and will turn up your erotic appeal (and appetite), along with strong feelings like jealousy and possessiveness. 

This extended stay isn’t all good news, though. Next month (on October 30), Mars will turn retrograde until January 12, which could bring back some issues from the past. You could be tempted by a clandestine affair or a risky attraction. Attached? You might feel opposing forces at work: a rekindling of sexy sparks but also tension around shared finances or power struggles that arise from unexpressed resentment. 

One way Mars could help is by inspiring you to be direct about addressing touchy topics, even if you feel vulnerable in the process. Take advantage of the bold and sexy energy of this assertive planet, which happens to be your cosmic co-ruler.

Although this Mars cycle could find you caught up in intense emotions or melodrama, Venus will have a balancing effect while it’s in Virgo from September 5 through 29. Virgo rules your eleventh house of friendship, group activity and technology. You could meet someone (or a few fun prospects) online and enjoy some flirtatious, no-strings dates. 

Friends could introduce you to their friends or you could meet someone when you’re “off-duty,” hanging out at a street fair or meeting friends for dinner. Stay open and make an extra effort to be present instead of zoning out or obsessing. It all starts with eye contact and a smile—and that shouldn’t be too hard to do now! For coupled Scorpios, time spent hanging with your separate groups instead of being attached at the hip could keep the spark burning.

Watch for tension on September 16, when Venus and Mars lock into an embattled 90-degree square, pulling you between desires for control and autonomy. One part of you wants more breathing room, but your jealous impulses could interfere. Instead of acting like you don’t care then privately obsessing, aim for greater transparency—and catch yourself when you’re blaming someone for “making” you feel a certain way.

There’s power in numbers, Scorpio! With the Sun in Virgo and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology until September 22, collaborations are the key to success. Thanks to energizer Mars in Gemini and your eighth house of wealth and joint ventures, the next six months could bring opportunities to make major money through a collaboration. Do ALL your research and make sure any potential partners can pull their weight and walk their talk.

While you’re at it, leave the divas and drama queens off the roster. Mercury is retrograde from September 9 to October 2, which could find hidden agendas and flaky team members showing their hands when you least expect it.

When the September 10 Pisces full moon illuminates your fifth house of fame and creativity, your talents could draw major buzz. You’ll definitely want to leave the jealous haters who said you’d never do it OFF the guest list for any celebrations. Not to be petty—but this month is no time to allow anyone into your circle except those who 100 percent have your back!

Take a slower pace starting September 22, when the Sun slips into Libra and your twelfth house of rest and closure. Focus on tying up loose ends for the next month—and preparing for a fresh start when Scorpio season begins in a month. Make time for creativity, meditation and a few much-needed breaks to refill your inspiration tanks.

Love Days: 10, 14

Money Days: 21, 3

Luck Days: 19, 28

Off Days: 12, 16, 25

See All Signs

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade. They are the authors of several astrology books, including their popular yearly horoscope guides, and have read charts for celebrities including Beyonce, Karlie Kloss and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at

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