Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF September

Set your sights on those lofty goals and get busy pursuing them. This month, the Sun is traveling through the top of your chart, visiting Virgo and your ambitious tenth house until September 22, then passing through Libra and your teamwork province. Prioritize your big Q4 plans, then start assembling your dream team and leading the troops!

With energizer Mars in Gemini for an extended visit (from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023), your efforts will get a special boost from savvy partners and well-connected agents who can get your big ideas in front of the right people. A romantic relationship could also heat up, moving more toward official status. 

But don’t rush into anything, Sagittarius. You’ve got plenty of time to explore synergies, and you probably don’t have all the information you need just yet. With communication and tech planet Mercury turning retrograde in Libra and Virgo this month, your goals may need some reconfiguring before all the moving parts (and people) fit together without a hitch. Slow down starting September 9, and if possible, hold off on making anything official until after October 2.

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Another reason to take a measured pace? All of the slow-moving outer planets—Jupiter (your ruler), Saturn, Uranus, Neptune AND Pluto—are powered down in retrograde (backward) motion this whole month. While this might make for a few annoying delays, it also supplies the gift of time. Use it to ask key questions, look at alternate routes and pay attention to any details you may have overlooked. Tighten up your game then get ready to strike next month!

Ambitions ahoy! It’s Virgo season until September 22

Get down to business, Sagittarius! The stars place you in a special boom cycle this month that can take your ambitious goals to new heights. Until September 22, the Sun is making its annual trek through Virgo and your status-driven tenth house, heating up your career and setting your sights on a big accomplishment. As el Sol blazes across the very top of your chart, it’s a peak moment to rise into a leadership role or rub padded shoulders with the A-listers in your industry. Your father or an important guy could play a role in events now.

Mercury is retrograde September 9 to October 2

Goals: interrupted? On September 9, messenger Mercury turns retrograde, which can affect communication, travel and your digital plans until October 2. Because Mercury retrograde can foil technology, DO back up important work projects to the cloud and be careful what you post. Use extra care with what you say now as your outspoken sign is at extra-high risk for making a cancel-worthy comment.

Mercury will reverse through Libra for the first two weeks of its backspin, sending ripples of discord through your inner circle. A team project could see some hiccups, so take extra care to keep all signals clear and tightly manage any group endeavors. Hold off on any big launches until next month if you can.

On September 23, Mercury will backtrack through Virgo and your tenth house of career until October 2, disrupting some of your professional plans or causing mixed signals at work. You may need to hustle to finish up a project that hits an annoying sticking point. 

If you’re job-hunting, change the privacy settings on your social media profiles as prospective employers may be checking you out (and they don’t need to see your wild, tequila-soaked selfies, even if they ARE from 2014). You may clash with a client or colleague during this Mercury cycle. To avoid communication breakdowns, check that everyone is on the same page and crystal-clear about their duties. If you’re traveling this month, be sure that the troops have impeccable marching orders before you sail off (and prepare to scout the nearest Wi-Fi signal just in case).

Feelings come flooding out at the September 10 Pisces full moon

While you’re “all about business” for much of September, the sentimental floodgates open as the September 10 full moon ripens in Pisces and your domestic, emotional fourth house. If there’s one day this month that you SHOULD prioritize your loved ones or take a timeout for self-care, this is it. You’ve been burning multiple candles at both ends, and it’s time for a nurturing escape. Stop and replenish! 

These illuminating moonbeams could reveal deeper feelings you’ve brushed aside, helping you find the words to express some heartfelt sentiment. A move or change to your living situation is possible near this date. The fourth house rules female relatives, mothers in particular, so events surrounding a maternal figure could come into the open. There could also be news related to a child or a pregnancy for Archers of that demographic.

One thing to ask yourself: What does “home” look and feel like to you? Spend some time setting up a mood board or exploring new ways you can make your quarters feel like a nurturing nest before the temperatures get colder and you start spending more time indoors.

Libra season starts September 22, plus the September 25 Libra new moon

Allow us to remind you one more time, Archer: You don’t have to do it all alone! On September 22, the Sun enters Libra and your eleventh house of group activity, sounding the call for collaboration. 

For the next four weeks, your net worth is in your network, so pay special mind to the company you keep. This is a powerful time for networking and, since the futuristic eleventh house rules technology, you could launch an online venture or viral piece of content. 

At the September 25 Libra new moon, an opportunity to commune with a cutting-edge crew could catapult one of your visionary ideas into a new stratosphere. Team up for the win! But don’t let your egalitarian nature eclipse your star power. Your ruler, lucky Jupiter, is opposite this new moon—sending a contrarian beam from your fifth house of fame and self-expression. While it’s crucial to acknowledge your crew’s contributions and to be a good team player, you’re entitled to take a bow (and full credit) for your brilliant ideas! Let the people you’ve always supported celebrate you this time around!

Revved up for romance? Lusty, passionate Mars is spending the next six MONTHS in Gemini and your seventh house of partnership, turning up the heat—and the tension—in your most intimate ties. This is an extra-long visit (Mars is normally in each sign for six to eight weeks), so prepare to deal with relationship issues until March 25, 2023.

You could make love and war in equal measures with restless Mars in Gemini, especially when the red planet turns retrograde from October 30 to January 12. Some Archers are feeling the pressure to pair up…or to get some breathing room fast! Needy, demanding people will turn you off and leave you feeling burdened by their attachment. 

If you’re the one feeling angsty about the future, try to disperse that worry instead of projecting it onto your love interest. Mars in this decisive zone can provoke anxiety, especially for an independent sign like yours that doesn’t like to commit under duress. Get out of your head and MOVE—energetic Mars wants you to be physically active. Whether that happens in the bedroom or at the gym doesn’t matter…just get that frustration out of your body!

This month, romantic Venus is in Virgo from September 5 to 29, warming up your tenth house of long-term plans and professional success. Paired With Mars in this committed zone, things could start moving into official terrain fast. Hello, power couple!

But are you really ready for this much at once? A moment of (inconvenient) truth could reveal a few cracks in the foundation on September 16, when Venus and Mars lock into an embattled 90-degree square. Your relationship and career goals could also be at odds, or maybe you’re not sure you both want the same things five or ten years from now. Pause to address these matters with full honesty. When communication planet Mercury is retrograde from September 9 to October 2, use this window to get everything out in the open—and hopefully devise some savvy solutions that work for you both.

Make your power moves, Sagittarius! The Sun is in Virgo and your ambitious tenth house until September 22, setting your career zone ablaze! A leadership position or promotion could be yours for the taking if you play your cards right. Working with a mentor or an accountability partner can help you stay on track. No matter what you do, be brutally vigilant about protecting your time. Write out your goals in detail, then display the list someplace where you will see them every day. Track your time and how much you spend on each task. 

Tap into the power of teamwork when the Sun moves into Libra and your collaborative eleventh house for a month on September 22. Got a digital venture or group project to launch? Circle the September 25 Libra new moon as a great day to debut your first inaugural effort. If you’ve been flying solo for too long, this lunar lift could bring like-minded trailblazers into your sphere. 

With go-getter Mars in Gemini for the next six months, partnerships are a heat zone for you. Just bear in mind that Mercury, ruler of communication and technology, is retrograde from September 9 to October 2. Explore your options fully before making anything official just yet. If you must sign on the dotted line, make sure you’ve reviewed the fine print and gotten it all checked out by any expert advisors.

Love Days: 12, 16

Money Days: 24, 5

Luck Days: 21, 3

Off Days: 14, 19, 28

See All Signs

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade. They are the authors of several astrology books, including their popular yearly horoscope guides, and have read charts for celebrities including Beyonce, Karlie Kloss and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at

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