Libra Monthly Horoscope

Libra Monthly Horoscope

Libra Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF September

Ready for a little break, Libra? We know: Summer’s just ending. But the planets are directing you to spend some time in your cocoon this September, especially while the Sun is in Virgo and your restful twelfth house through September 22. Maybe you’ve got an artistic or spiritual project that’s calling (the muse will be waiting for you with open arms!). Perhaps there are some unfinished items that could be crossed off the list before your next birthday—and Libra season—arrive.

Another reason to take a measured pace? All of the slow-moving outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune AND Pluto—are powered down in retrograde (backward) motion this whole month. On September 9, communication planet Mercury joins the retrograde brigade, foiling technology, scheduling and day-to-day interactions until October 2. 

Even trickier? Mercury will be retrograde in Libra for the first two weeks of the backspin (until September 23), leaving you feeling misunderstood and scattered if you take on too much. Hence the need for a cozy cocoon/escape pod where you can be left along with your imagination. A break from human drama will do you good and help you stay productive.

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Fear not, Libra: There are plenty of adventures to be had despite these retrograde challenges. Go-getter Mars is in Gemini for the next six months (until March 2023), heating up your ninth house of travel, entrepreneurship and big ideas. And once the Sun moves into Libra on September 22, you’ll feel a sense of renewal, buoyed by the September 25 Libra new moon. Consider the new moon your “personal new year,” a hard reset that will give you a rfreshed perspective and direction. 

It’s Virgo season until September 22

Ease into early fall as gently as you need, Libra. While others are caught up in the excitement of “back-to-school,” you may be more tired or sensitive for the first three weeks of the month. The Sun is in Virgo and your twelfth house of rest, closure and healing until September 22, which could make you feel foggy at moments. You’ll also soak up other people’s emotions and moods like a sponge. Protect yourself by limiting contact with draining people who demand constant attention.

Mercury is retrograde from September 9 to October 2:

Not so fast, Libra! On top of Virgo season slowing your roll, there’s another cosmic obstacle to work around. Communicator Mercury turns retrograde from September 9 until October 2, which can disrupt communication, travel and technology. Even tougher? For the first two weeks (until September 23), Mercury will reverse through YOUR sign, making you feel invisible and misunderstood.

A passion project or personal plan could get delayed, and if that happens, don’t fight it. Use the extra time to perfect your vision! Watch what you post and say now because your remarks could be taken WAY out of context. Argh! You might need to lay low—or apply strong filters—while this cycle plays itself out. On the upside, you can dust off a creative venture that got put on the back burner. Spend time reviewing your goals and plans. If you need to polish up your presentation, do so now. From training to new headshots to rebranding, this is a great time to tweak behind the scenes.

Starting September 23—right as Libra season fully begins—Mercury will plunge back into Virgo and your twelfth house of hidden information, closure and healing. You may need to retrace your steps or process an old wound or some unresolved emotions. An ex or a difficult person might resurface, and this can be an important time for closure. A project you assumed was done might have a gnarly round of revisions that could be time-consuming. Try to make tasks like this less frustrating by playing music, taking replenishing breaks and adopting a spirit of “we’re in this together” camaraderie.

Spotlight on health at the September 10 Pisces full moon

Okay, so there’s ONE day this month where you can really pull your act together, Libra. That happens as the September 10 full moon blooms in Pisces and your sixth house of health and order. Are you current on all of your checkups? Basic as it might sound, if you’re past due for a physical, book it now. You could be low on iron or other vital nutrients, for example. The sixth house rules gut health, and with the full moon here, it might be time for a cleanse or to add a probiotic to your diet. Check with your doc on all of the essentials!

The sixth house also rules helpful people, so this full moon is an ideal time to examine who’s on Team Libra and whether they’re pulling their weight. Do you even have anyone helping you? There could be some hiring (or firing) near this date. Delegate and outsource the stuff that’s got you overwhelmed. Just be sure you thoroughly vet any service providers, checking references and reviews and not glossing over red flags.

Libra season starts September 22, plus the September 25 Libra new moon

Just in the nick of time, Libra season begins! On September 22, the Sun sails into your sign for a month, waking you up and restoring your joie de vivre. Much of that mental fog will clear up, and you’ll be ready to act decisively. 

Your best day to take a concrete step? The September 25 Libra new moon, your annual “personal new year.” It’s a day to set intentions for the coming six months. What top-level goal would you like to achieve before 2022 closes out? Connect and commit to that today—these me-first moonbeams have your back!

Don’t forget the people who helped you get there, Libra. This new moon will oppose Jupiter in Aries and your partnership house, a reminder to acknowledge your steadfast supporters. At the same time, watch out for “coat-tail jockeys” who try to take credit for your work. You may need to renegotiate a few aspects of a relationship before you can move ahead on your solo mission.

Drifting on a fantasy? With Venus in Virgo and your escapist twelfth house from September 5 to 29, your romance-meter is dialed up high. But are you seeing this situation clearly? You’ll be prone to projecting hopes and illusions onto someone as your ruler Venus spins through this sector of your chart. 

Breaking you out of this fixation is hot-blooded Mars, which is visiting Gemini and your adventurous ninth house for the next six months, giving you an appetite for freedom and variety. Long-distance and cross-cultural chemistry could heat up during this elongated visit. 

Both Venus and Mars are making you itchy to be “anywhere but here” this month. You could feel torn between an urge to run away and a conflicting desire to dive into a torrid affair headfirst, especially when Venus and Mars lock into an embattled square on September 16. For longtime couples, it’s practically mandatory that you spice things up by breaking out of your comfort zone. The same old same old will NOT cut it now!

If things have been tense with a partner, Venus in your compassionate twelfth house can help you take a softer and more openhearted approach to solving any conflict. Drop gentle but direct hints about how you’d like to be wooed. Or just take the lead and show your love interest how it’s done!

With Venus in your zone of closure and Mars in your sector of growth and expansion, there could be some overlap between an old relationship fading out and a new spark igniting. Or maybe you still have some inner work to do. If so, take a little break from your wild Mars in Gemini nights for healing, processing and nurturing any raw emotions. (Yes, Libra, you CAN write ten tear-stained pages in your journal and still burn up the dance floor that same night.)

When Venus moves into Libra on September 29, you’ll get your groove back, along with a lot more clarity about the direction you want your love life to take.

Pace yourself this month, Libra. With the Sun in Virgo and your restful twelfth house until September 22, you could be sleepier or less focused than usual. Adding to the muddled atmosphere, communication planet Mercury is retrograde (backward) from September 9 until October 2, partially in YOUR sign. Even your best ideas might not hit the bulls-eye, so it’s best to work on crafting and tweaking them then giving a slam-dunk pitch next month.

The silver lining? This is a richly creative and imaginative month when the muse will be a regular houseguest between your ears. Spend time on more right-brained activities or visualizing the prosperity you want to create. Guided meditations, time in nature (especially near water) and supportive feedback will help make your ideas even better.

Need to go into focus mode? Save it all for the September 10 Pisces full moon, which beams in your analytical and organized sixth house. A major fall cleanup of your workspace and home could get you back into a productive zone. The full moon is all about letting go—perhaps this is a good time to Konmari the clutter or corral it into pretty storage boxes that blend with your decor?

You’ll be back in business when the Sun moves into Libra for a month on September 22, followed by the Libra new moon on September 25. This lunation marks your “personal new year”—a great time to make a fresh start! Libras love to look good (hi, ruling planet Venus!), so pin some Fashion Week looks from the show bloggers, pull out magazine tear sheets and get inspired! Incorporate office- and Zoom-friendly versions into your wardrobe. If you really want to make a personal statement, consider getting a subtle tattoo featuring an inspiring power word or support an emerging artist with a custom print or a handmade piece of jewelry.

Love Days: 7, 12

Money Days:19, 28

Luck Days: 16, 25

Off Days: 24, 14

See All Signs

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade. They are the authors of several astrology books, including their popular yearly horoscope guides, and have read charts for celebrities including Beyonce, Karlie Kloss and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at

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