I’ve Had So Many Compliments on My Lashes Since Using


To say I was humbled is an understatement. With consistent use, my lashes are longer than I could have imagined. When I look up and shift my eyes from left to right, I can feel my lashes tickle my brow. When I add mascara into the mix, they look like I’ve added in individuals. I feel like it’s given my coy eyelash batting a new lease on life, especially in the era of the face mask.

I have to put emphasis on the need for consistency, though. You do need to be disciplined. Every night before I go to bed, I swipe the brush across my top lash line and allow the ingredients to sink in to encourage growth. I use it at night because the body repairs itself at night, so I figure that is the best time for aiding growth. However, if you prefer, the morning is fine too. Whatever time you use it, just make sure you allow it to sink in before you put anything else on your lashes.

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