I Would Have Saved a Lot of Money If I’d


On behalf of all thin-haired women out there, I would like to take this opportunity to beg the beauty industry to stop telling us that we need to buy more styling products. I’ve spent my entire life looking for ways to make my hair thicker, and it wasn’t until I sat down with a brutally honest trichologist a few weeks ago that I finally understood my situation. I’m never going to grow more hair.

The scalp can’t grow more hair follicles. The hair I have is the hair I have, and all I can do is make sure I keep it as healthy as I possibly can. Since learning this, I’ve thought long and hard about all of the money I’ve wasted on styling products designed to make my hair look thicker—products that do wonders for hair that’s already thick but make thin hair look greasy, weighed down and generally worse than it did before. If only I hadn’t hung onto every word of the hairstylists I met in my formative years who, it turns out, were just trying to sell me something.

Luckily, I’m a thin-haired beauty editor who has gotten to work with some of the most in-the-know and honest experts, and I’ve learned some very important lessons over the years. So if you, too, are fed up with receiving useless advice about what to do with your thin hair, keep scrolling for the six thin-hair tips I wish I’d learned sooner.

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