China’s property troubles aren’t getting better, intensifying calls for bolder

China’s property troubles aren’t getting better, intensifying calls for bolder

China’s property troubles aren’t getting better, intensifying calls for bolder
China’s property troubles worsen, ramping calls for bolder policy helplogo s.trim()) .find((s) => s.startsWith(cookieName)); }, fetchRegion: function() { fetch(‘’) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { if (data && data.geo && data.geo.country_code) { if(EEA_REGION_COUNTRY_CODES.includes(data.geo.country_code)) { initiateComscore.pushData(‘0’); } else { initiateComscore.pushData(”); } } }); }, run: function() { if (!Object.values(OneTrustCategories).includes(7)) { throw new Error(‘OneTrust category not found.’); } var optanonCookie = initiateComscore.getCookie(‘OptanonConsent’); var usPrivacyCookie = initiateComscore.getCookie(‘USPrivacy’); var regionCookie = initiateComscore.getCookie(‘region’); // check if regionCookie is present if not fetch region and update cs_ucfr value; if (regionCookie) { // if region is USA check for USPrivacy Cookie if (regionCookie.split(‘=’)[1] === ‘USA’) { var usPrivacyCookieValue = usPrivacyCookie && usPrivacyCookie.split(‘=’)[1]; if (optanonCookie || usPrivacyCookieValue) { if (usPrivacyCookieValue === ‘1YYN’) { initiateComscore.pushData(‘0’); } else if (usPrivacyCookieValue === ‘1YNN’) { initiateComscore.pushData(‘1’); } else { // if USPrivacy cookie is not present initiateComscore.pushData(‘1’); } } else { initiateComscore.fetchRegion(); } } else { // If region is not USA check for OptanonCookie if (optanonCookie) { var categoryRegex = /groups=[^&]*%2C7%3A([01])/; var regexResults = optanonCookie.match(categoryRegex); if (regexResults && regexResults[1]) { initiateComscore.pushData(regexResults[1]); } else { initiateComscore.pushData(‘0’); } } else { initiateComscore.fetchRegion(); } } } else { initiateComscore.fetchRegion(); } } }; //Run COMSCORE; ]]>comscore

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