WEEK-TV promos “Now More Than Ever” 1979

WEEK-TV promos “Now More Than Ever” 1979

What were you doing in 1979? I had my second job in TV at WEEK-TV in Peoria, IL. I was initially hired to do Saturday sports and shoot news during the week. Later I did both weekend shows and also did promotions for the station. What was it like? Did you ever see the movie “Anchorman”? It wasn’t too far off that. Cameras weighed about 15 pounds and you had to carry a recorder with it that weighed another 10. Back then news was shot and edited on 3/4 inch tape. This was actually good because we had just transitioned from film. We had big hair and drove Chevy Citations for news cars! Here’s a series of promos that I put together. As I look at them and remember how they were put together back them, the editor I use now, iMovie blows the effects away. Keep in mind that there were no computers then or they were even bigger than the cameras we carried. I worked with a company called Tuesday Productions to compose the music. It was cutting edge then as were the spots. Of course I got to fly in the chopper. You will even see me in the promos, Paul Daniel. I live in Pewaukee, WI now and am in marketing having left the TV world about 20 years ago but they are sure fun to look at and think “Did we really do that?” Enjoy!

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