14 Photos Of The Moments Immediately After The Assassination Attempt

14 Photos Of The Moments Immediately After The Assassination Attempt

14 Photos Of The Moments Immediately After The Assassination Attempt
14 Photos Of Trump Rally After Assassination Attempt

On Saturday, former president Donald Trump faced an assassination attempt when speaking at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

The gunman, who the FBI has identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, killed one person and injured another two before he was reportedly killed by Secret Service agents. Trump said he, himself, was shot in the ear. Here are photos of the direct aftermath:

1. After Trump flinched from the apparent strike, Secret Service agents rushed to the stage.

2. The agents covered his body with their own.

3. Raising to his feet, Trump was quickly guided off the platform.

4. Agents shielded his head.

5. Before making an exit, Trump raised a symbolic fist toward the crowd.

6. The former president was seen with blood on his face…

7. …and ear.

8. Agents rushed Trump from the stage…

9. …and into a car, where he raised another fist before sitting inside.

10. Secret Service agents buzzed around the scene.

11. After the rally, photos were taken of the quickly abandoned site.

12. And increased police presence were placed in front of Trump Tower.

13. Trump supporters lit candles outside of Trump Tower in New York.

14. And many watched clips of the historical moment being played on news broadcasts across the nation.

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