Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2 Review: Meet Me Where

Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2 Review: Meet Me Where

Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2 Review: Meet Me Where

We’re barely into the season, and it’s hitting us with emotional feelings in many fanbases.

The tension was high on Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2 as Erik confronted Helen about her feelings for Ryan.

We waited for 18 months for Helen’s decision. This was not the one many of us wanted.

Showing Up - Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2

Much of Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 1 was about resolving the cliffhangers and setting up new arcs. I’m relieved they had Helen make her decision quickly.

Heather Headley and Dion Johnstone exercised their acting chops in this emotional break-up scene. Helen was so confused and didn’t want to hurt him, but she added to that pain by not talking to him immediately.

Helen: I don’t know what I want!
Erik: you want him. Or you wouldn’t have to think twice to tell him to pack himself to a little hot zone that needs saving.

Emotional Break-up - Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2

While he was attracted to her, Erik initially hesitated to become romantically involved with Helen on Sweet Magnolias Season 2.

He knew Helen desperately wanted a family, and he lost his wife and daughter in childbirth.

Knowing that, it was understandable that Erik didn’t want to compete with another ghost for Helen’s affection, which is why he was so angry. He changed everything for her.

Helen: I don’t want to lose our friendship.
Erik: You already have.

They’ve been friends so long that cutting all ties will hurt even more.

After the Break-up - Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2

Sweet Magnolias won’t feel the same without Erik and Helen’s banter. They went from being friends to a couple to cutting off all contact.

While I understand that Erik needs this to heal, it was hard to watch since they brought so much joy to the screen. My heart broke for Helen, even though I understood Erik’s point.

While both parties make sacrifices in a relationship, it almost seemed like Helen gave up Erik and Ryan gave up traveling and stayed in Serenity for her.

That seemed like a compromise for each of them, and they might find they’ve changed too much.

Comforting Erik - Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2

Sweet Magnolias continuously showed the importance of men’s friendships and opening up this season.

Erik has always mentored Isaac in the past and supported him through learning the identity of his birth parents in Sweet Magnolias Season 2.

Now, Isaac wanted to support his friend, even if it was just silently being there.

While Erik enjoyed helping others, he was a lot like Cal and had difficulting discussing his own issues, so having his friend nearby meant something to him.

Encouraging Cal - Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2

While most of these men are the Magnolias’ partners, many have not hung out much before. We’ve only seen Cal hang out with Trotter or Harlan since those were his friends.

It’s nice to see Erik included in supporting Cal, and hopefully, he’ll soon lean on these men in the upcoming episodes.

Cal was used to being strong and handling everything independently, so he wasn’t prepared to see his friends show up to support him.

Erik: We’re here for you. We feel for you.
Harlan; We’re going take this one inning at a time. Together.
Cal: Why would you do that?
Trotter: Because you’re our friend, and we’ll do whatever you need.

Hopefully, the series will continue these group basketball sessions, and they can be the men’s versions of “pouring it out.”

Bettering Herself - Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2

Watching Maddie and Cal attempt to be just friends and work on bettering themselves was fascinating.

The two of them are more fun and flirtier than they have been than they were in Season 1. In many ways, they did need a reset. I wish they could have found a better way to do it.

Maddie started hanging out with Paster June, and we had never seen her do anything but offer advice or counseling before.

The Magnolias have never really had friends besides each other, so I’m wondering if that could spark some jealousy while Maddie finds some new hobbies.

Confronting Coach - Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2

Ty really struggled with the oldest child syndrome when protecting Maddie. He hated hearing gossip about Coach Cal and skipped therapy to confront him for hurting his mother.

Ty is so much like his mother that he takes care of everyone else first and forgets to care for himself.

It’s evident that Ty suffered without Cal around since he was used to his guidance.

Maddie felt responsible that Ty felt obligated to protect her and reassured him that it was her responsibility to care for the family.

I’m proud of you. But not every battle is yours to fight. I have to fight some on my own.


Annie's Reaction - Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2

The other teenagers were not so mature. Many fans want Annie and Ty together, but Annie needs to grow up first.

She still was sneaking out to meet Jackson, even though his mom forbade them to see each other. Was it really worth the risk?

On the other hand, Kyle had the guts to confront Mary Vaughn with his desire to date Nellie. Everyone else was so afaid of her, but he desperately missed Nellie.

While Mary Vaughn said no, she seemed to respect his courage—points for Kyle.

Visiting Sullivans - Sweet Magnolias Season 3 Episode 2

We’re two episodes in, and neither Isaac nor Noreen has had barely any storylines.

I suspect Isaac will still get some airtime as he deals with becoming friends with his birthmother, Peggy, or avoids Bill. He’s also Erik’s sounding board.

However, since Sweet Magnolias Season 3 began, we’ve only seen Noreen with Rebecca. I have nothing against Noreen or Jamie Lynn Spears, but this seemed like a waste of having her as a series regular.

Perhaps, as the season progresses, Noreen will get a better storyline with a POV.

“Meet Me Where I Am” focused on accepting people for who they are and not judging them for their mistakes. Maddie and Cal made significant progress, whereas other couples had a long way to go.

Over to you, Sweet Magnolia Fanatics. Were you surprised by Helen’s choice? What are your thoughts of Ryan and Helen lasting?

Let’s discuss Coach Cal and Maddie. What are your thoughts on them rebuilding their friendship?

Chime in below.

Laura Nowak is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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