Episode 6 Full UK-Length Edition

Episode 6 Full UK-Length Edition

Ross gifts some of Nampara’s land to the peasants as a means to provide for themselves but the Poldarks learn that it is their friend, Dr Enys who needs immediate care, suffering now from post-traumatic stress disorder following his internment in France. To Caroline’s chagrin Ross fetches Armitage to help council Dwight.In reaction to Ross’ rescue of Hugh Armitage, George desperately needs to secure a connection to the nobility and so plans to force Morwenna’s marriage to Osborne. However, her resilience leads George to become suspicious and he has Tom Harry follow her. Drake delights Geoffrey Charles and Morwenna and further infuriates George by secretly reintroducing toads to Trenwith’s pond. Geoffrey Charles gives Drake his bible as a gift and naively reveals Morwenna is to be wed. Drake confronts Morwenna and she agrees to marry him instead. Morwenna returns to Trenwith to tell George and Elizabeth that she will refuse Ossie’s offer of marriage.

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