The ‘Dark Truth’ Behind Britney Spears & Sam Asghari’s Perfect-Looking

The ‘Dark Truth’ Behind Britney Spears & Sam Asghari’s Perfect-Looking

The ‘Dark Truth’ Behind Britney Spears & Sam Asghari’s Perfect-Looking

Britney Spears fans were hit with the shocking news on Wednesday that she and Sam Asghari had broken up. Per early reports, not only were some of the more pessimistic whispers about marriage troubles true, they were hurtling toward a divorce.

That turned out to be all too accurate — Sam filed Wednesday evening, citing the standard “irreconcilable differences.” As for the rest of the reports? Who knows?

We don’t know if they really had a huge blowout fight in which he accused her of cheating, whether he found a video of her with a male member of the household staff, whether he threatened to release damaging info about her to the public if she didn’t change the prenup to get him more money. We don’t know if any of that is accurate. But it seems pretty clear this breakup wasn’t out of nowhere. The couple seems to have been on a downward spiral for months.

But why?

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Well, according to an insider speaking to on Thursday, there’s a plain but dark truth behind it all — the couple was doomed from the start. But their reasoning? Because it’s just too hard to be married to Britney Spears. Ugh.

The source claimed Sam learned once he got settled into life with Brit that it wasn’t the dream it looked like from the outside:

“The reality of life with Britney was that it was not fun and it’s not a surprise at all that the marriage didn’t last.”

What wasn’t fun about it? The source paints a portrait of Britney as a volatile, mercurial young girl in a woman’s body, just wanting to play all day:

“She is a damaged person and although she talks a lot about being a strong independent woman she remains damaged. It’s very sad. Sam’s a nice guy and I hear that he tried.”

The insider claims Sam was seen as a “crutch” for Britney by her inner circle — her sole support so much of the time. But after a few incidents over the past few months, there was too much for him to handle. They claim he reached the point of feeling like he had to be home for her all the time:

“They barely went out. They were just stuck in that house making videos all the time as that’s the thing that interests her. I think it’s obvious that there are some serious issues in play.”

The source argued that without Sam, it’ll only get worse — and those in her inner circle who care about her, those who aren’t just sycophants, know it:

“The sensible people in her life will be sad that the marriage is over. The feeling was that he thought he could save her, but maybe there is no saving Britney.”

Hmm. OK.

The thing is, we’re not sure how much of this narrative we buy. We mean, of course Britney is “damaged.” Look at what her life was like for the past two decades. It’s a given she’s “damaged” — and she’s always been honest about it. But you know what? Most people are, to different degrees. She at least can take a vacation whenever she wants. And she’s got the money to pay doctors.

Related: Sam’s Statement Confirming Divorce

More importantly, Sam should have known what he was getting into on that score. The idea this is just who she is, and he couldn’t handle it, it only makes sense if the 14 months of their marriage was the entirety of their relationship. But they’ve been together since 2016. That’s a long time to keep your partner on a pedestal. They’re trying to tell us Brit kept up a façade of a perfectly stable young lady for over six years and then turned into a pole-dancing, selfie-posting El Lay eccentric? Sorry.

As for being stuck in that mansion? Um, he also got to travel to film movies, they took tropical vacations all the time. He got out of the house more than most working stiffs get to.

And if Sam was upset that being married “was not fun” all the time, we’re sorry, but… THAT’S MARRIAGE, BABY! WTF did you expect?? In the immortal words of Maroon 5, “It’s not always rainbows and butterflies, it’s compromise that moves us along.” See, even Adam Levine knows that! This guy!

What do YOU think, Perezcious readers? Is this insider onto something? Was the dark truth that living with Britney was more of a nightmare than a dream? Or is the “dark truth” that Sam Asghari is a 29-year-old hunk who just hit the seven-year itch and isn’t actually ready to settle down, as it turns out?

Something else? Let us know in the comments (below)!

[Image via Britney Spears/Sam Asghari/Instagram.]

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