Here’s The Advice That Demi Lovato Has To Give To

Here’s The Advice That Demi Lovato Has To Give To

Here’s The Advice That Demi Lovato Has To Give To

Demi Lovato has some important advice for aspiring Disney Channel stars — and she basically doesn’t think they should do it.

The musician, who now uses both she/her and they/them pronouns, says that they lost a lot of their childhood as a young star and doesn’t recommend it to others.

“It’s more important to have a personal life than it is a career at that age,” Demi said in an interview with PopSugar.

They continued, “If you want to be a teenager, be a teenager. If you want to do this for a living, maybe wait a little bit until you’re older so you can have life experience under your belt.”

Demi, who starred in the Camp Rock movies and then her own Disney series, noted that her personal life got pushed to the side during her time with the network.

“I think that’s what got lost in the era of Disney when I was in it. We were all working so hard, running ourselves into the ground,” they explained.

Demi added that she “didn’t have a lot of fun” in her downtime as she was “often thinking about what I needed to do next.”

And with the constant pressure to “look a certain way,” “be a certain way,” and “act a certain way,” they didn’t get to “experience childhood” or “life as a teenager” without being “under a microscope.”

Instead of pushing themselves, Demi says young actors should “take it easy” and “appreciate the journey.”

“You don’t have to be on top of the world,” she advised. “Enjoy your time right now. Be present.”

You can read all that Demi had to share here.

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