What Was Jessica Henwick’s Flashback Scene in Silo Season 2 Finale’s Ending?

What Was Jessica Henwick’s Flashback Scene in Silo Season 2 Finale’s Ending?

Curious about the Silo Season 2 finale? Jessica Henwick’s flashback scene as Helen leaves fans pondering its connection to the larger narrative. The finale, titled Into the Fire, introduces Donald Keene, a young congressman, and his unexpected encounter with Helen. Their meeting, marked by a surprising gift, adds layers of intrigue to the show’s intricate plot. So, what actually happened in the Silo Season 2 finale flashback?

Here are details on the flashback scene, plus the meaning of Donald’s Pez dispenser gift in Silo Season 2.

Silo Season 2 finale’s flashback scene with Jessica Henwick’s Helen explained

The flashback scene features Donald Keene, a representative of the 15th congressional district of Georgia. He comes across a beautiful woman, Helen (Jessica Henwick), at the bar for a potential date. It remains unclear how their date plans came to be; it could be through a dating application or mutual connection. However, their date doesn’t go as Donald expected but goes awry.

He soon realizes that Helen is not interested in forming a personal connection with him; instead, she wants to interview him. Helen is a journalist keen on questioning him about a radiological weapon attack. Disappointed, he chooses not to answer her questions and decides to leave, vowing never to see her again. However, he is unaware of the twists fate has in store for them. Before walking away, he gifts her a Ducky Pez dispenser.

What does Donald’s Pez dispenser signify?

While Donald’s Pez dispenser in Silo Season 2 might appear to be a simple gift, which he gave to his date, it hides a deeper meaning. The Rubber Ducky Pez dispenser appears to be similar to that of George Wilkins, who gifted it to Juliette in the present storyline. It suggests that Helen’s dispenser might have gotten misplaced after her demise, likely during the rebellion. It also indicates that she might be a resident of Silo 18. Wilkins somehow found it in Silo 18 and decided to give it to his lover. However, Donald and Juliette’s storyline will potentially be connected, once the former gets his memory back and recognizes the relic.

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