8 Best Moments From Drake’s 100 Gigs Content Purge

8 Best Moments From Drake’s 100 Gigs Content Purge

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Drizzy also released three songs featuring collabs with Latto, 21 Savage and Young Thug.

Drake has had tons of his music hit the internet thanks to leakers over the years, and he decided to turn the gun around and intentionally leak 100 Gigs of content from various eras of his career on Tuesday (Aug. 6).

Drizzy unloaded the vault with stacks of folders that included three new songs featuring 21 Savage, Young Thug and Latto along with photos, videos and lost album cover arts to go along with studio session clips.

It all started with fans noticing Drake following an IG account titled Plottttwistttttt, which led to speculation about new music on the way.

Once the account was taken off private on Tuesday, the floodgates opened leading fans to the 100GIGSFORYOURHEADTOP website. The OVO boss also reposted the IG account’s music clips to his Instagram Story.

Drake has been careful with his music in wake of the Kendrick Lamar feud. He’s notched collaborations with Sexyy Red, Camila Cabello and Gordo in the months since, but hasn’t released any songs in an official capacity, and now has employed a purposeful leak strategy.

Plenty of clips have gone viral in the hours since the leak’s arrival, including him recording the reference track to what became Kanye West’s “Yikes” from his 2018 Ye album. He also detailed how a romantic partner inspired him to craft “Hotline Bling” in 2015.

For those looking for a response to Kendrick Lamar, that isn’t here. After sifting through the 100 Gigs of OVO content, here are the eight best moments from the compilation footage.

  • Playing Ping Pong With NBA Star Steph Curry

    Steph Curry pulled up to Drake’s mansion and the two competed in a heated game of ping pong, but it’s unclear who ultimately got the best of the match-up. The NBA star then took his talents to the outdoor basketball court, where he proceeded to cook all of the 6 God’s friends and affiliates. This appears to be during the mid-2010s as Drizzy was working on Views.

  • Listening to “March 14” for Possibly First Time

    Pusha T beat Drake to the punch when exposing that the 6 God had a son named Adonis on his scathing “The Story of Adidon” diss track in 2018. Shortly after, Drake decided to continue executing his plan to reveal his child to the world on Scorpion‘s “March 14.” Footage from the 100 Gigs drop shows Drake eagerly listening to every detail of the track off an iPhone.

  • Seeing Air Drake for the First Time & Designing AD2

    Drake had one of those “my life’s a movie” type of moments seeing his hard work pay off when walking inside his luxurious Air Drake private jet for the first time. He also gave fans a look at his design process for the Air Drake 2 sister plane while listening to Yeat. “Chances Are She’s On Board” is a fitting tagline for the OVO aviation.

  • Performing “Take Care” With Rihanna at Sound Check

    The Rihanna-Drake relationship is severed these days with her baby daddy A$AP Rocky and Drizzy even exchanging shots on diss tracks. But that wasn’t always the case, as Drake and Rih were close collaborators and more in the first half of the 2010s. A 100 Gigs clip found Drake and Rihanna at soundcheck rehearsing their 2011 “Take Care” collaboration in front of an empty arena. Even back then, the chemistry was apparent.

  • How A Girl Drake Hooked Up With Inspired “Hotline Bling”

    A hook-up inspired one of Drake’s diamond-certified anthems. Drizzy explained how a girl’s phone kept going off when they were hanging out together, which led to him storing her in his phone as “Hotline Bling.”

    “We used to be in bed together … and her phone would be blowing up. So I saved her name in my phone as ‘Hotline Bling.’ That’s always been her name on my phone,” he said. “And I was looking at it today, I was like, ‘Hotline Bling’ is a sick name. That should be an artist name.”

    He eventually put the energy into recording a record with her contact name as the title and the rest is history. Interestingly enough, Drake nearly had Future hop on “Hotline Bling” with him. “When I was writing it, I wrote it as a Shy Glizzy song,” he said. “That’s why I was asking if we should put Future on this s–t.”

  • Recording the Reference Track to Ye’s “Yikes”

    Drake’s 2018 Wyoming trip proved to be a pivotal point in the fracturing of his relationship with Kanye. At the time, Hot 97’s Peter Rosenberg reported that Drake flew to Wyoming to work with West and was initially left off as a co-writer on “Yikes” when the track arrived as part of Yeezy’s Ye album.

    Now we have the footage of Drake working on what became the hook to “Yikes” as he recorded the reference. A line can be drawn from the Drake and Kanye relationship souring to the Pusha T and Drizzy feud boiling over a couple of months later in May 2018.

  • Recording “Over My Dead Boy” in A Hotel Room Closet

    Drake took it back to the Take Care era when he built a make-shift studio in a hotel room closet to record poignant project opener “Over My Dead Body.” Footage shows him instructing Canadian singer Chantal Kreviazuk how he wants her to open the record with an intoxicating introduction.

  • Game Planning for Jay-Z’s ‘Certified Lover Boy’ Feature

    When Jay-Z agrees to hop on a record, you move mountains to make that happen. Drake was clearly up against the clock when game planning with OVO 40 to be ready for Jay to send his verse through for what became “Talk Up” on 2021’s Certified Lover Boy.

    Hov’s engineer, Young Guru, provided some context on the situation, which saw them thread the needle from a time perspective with Jay performing in Europe with Beyoncé for the OTR2 Tour and having to record his verse immediately after a show.

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