Teenager Coco Gauff wins U

Teenager Coco Gauff wins U

Teenager Coco Gauff wins U
Teenager Coco Gauff wins the 2023 U.S. Openlogo { const data = { c1: ‘2’, c2: ‘1000004’, options: { url_append: ‘comscorekw=Business_News_Sports’ }, }; if (isUS) { data[‘cs_ucfr’] = cs_ucfr; } window._comscore.push(data); const s = document.createElement(“script”); const el = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0]; s.async = true; s.src = ‘https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js’; el?.parentNode?.insertBefore(s, el); }; const comscoreRun = () => { setTimeout(() => { if (!Object.values(OneTrustCategories).includes(7)) { throw new Error(‘OneTrust category not found.’); } const activeGroups = window.OnetrustActiveGroups?.indexOf(‘,USP,’) == -1; const isUS = mps.geo.data.c === ‘us’; // if region is ‘us’ check for activeGroups if (isUS) { if (window.OnetrustActiveGroups === “,,”) { comscorePush(”, isUS); } else if (activeGroups) { comscorePush(‘0’, isUS); } else if (!activeGroups) { comscorePush(”, isUS); } } else { comscorePush(null, isUS); } }, 2000); }; comscoreRun(); ]]>comscore

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