Experts and Fashion People Agree: This Is the Best Pedicure

Experts and Fashion People Agree: This Is the Best Pedicure

Experts and Fashion People Agree: This Is the Best Pedicure

Take one look at the summer nail trends that experts have predicted we’ll be seeing everywhere this season or the most popular manicure colours in salons right now, and you could easily be forgiven for thinking that this summer’s biggest pedicure trends would also be about bright colours and quirky nail art. However, now that sandal season has officially arrived, I’ve noticed that our fashion friends have been taking a more subtle approach to colour on their toes.

Turns out, white is the pedicure colour of choice when it comes to showing off your designer sandals. And it’s easy to see why—it’s simple, classic (trust me—the white nail trend rolls around every summer, without fail), and makes every outfit look more expensive. Even if the nail polish itself will cost you a lot less than your regular in-salon pedi appointment…

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