Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Taurus Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF January

You may be the steady Bull of the zodiac, but you always start the year eager to charge headlong into your visionary goals and dreams. That’s because January is Capricorn season, when the Sun is traveling through your inspired ninth house of growth, risk and expansion. Instead of being methodical, you get swept up in starry-eyed “sky’s the limit” energy—and we love to see you like this, Taurus!

This year, however, this lucky solar cycle (which lasts until January 20) will be speed-checked by communication planet Mercury, who’s in a signal-scrambling retrograde until January 18. Capture all of those grand ideas on paper, Bull. But pace yourself because you won’t find the best conditions to act upon them until Mercury turns direct (forward). Make a list of the people you’ll reach out to, draft some emails and pitch decks. Bookmark a few trip itineraries and research flights for vacations (the ninth house rules travel). Sign up for some classes to polish any dusty or rusty skills. But wait until Aquarius season starts later this month to press “go.”

You could also get your finances in order as the year begins. On January 12, energizer Mars will end a ten-week retrograde in Gemini and your second house of work and money that started on October 30. If you’ve felt financial stress over the holidays, and not just from gifting and celebrations, this pressure should start to lift. On the upside, you may have been motivated to get your budget and spending in shape. Stick with it!

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Things really get rocking after January 20, when the Sun enters Aquarius and your ambitious, success-driven tenth house for a month. The January 21 Aquarius new moon kicks off an important six-month cycle for your goals. THIS is the day to make those 2023 resolutions, Taurus. Just know that some of them may not materialize until after May 16, when Jupiter leaves your incubating twelfth house and swings into Taurus, kicking off a fresh 12-year life cycle.

January 21 is also Lunar New Year’s Eve, when we bid farewell to the unpredictable Water Tiger and welcome the gentler, abundant energy of the Water Rabbit for a year. Gung hay fat choy! (And an “amen” for good measure.) The Rabbit’s dreamy energy can make it hard to crystallize concrete plans, but at least it won’t throw you the kinds of curveballs that the Tiger did. 

The month’s best news for you arrives on January 22, when trailblazing Uranus ends a five-month retrograde in Taurus, lifting its gag order on your original ideas and opinions. While you’ll still want to be polite and respectful, it won’t happen at the expense of your self-expression anymore. What genius ideas have you been cooking up since last fall? It’s time to start rolling out their big debut.

Once side-spinning Uranus turns direct (forward), there will be zero retrogrades in the sky among our major planets. We can all enjoy the pursuit of our 2023 goals without those extra obstacles. While you might not attempt warp speed until Jupiter enters Taurus this May 16, you can at least return to a comfortable cruising altitude, paving the way for a strong second half of 2023 that will have your name stamped all over it. 

Visionary plans: It’s Capricorn season until January 20

Your 2023 is off to a hopeful start, Taurus. Until January 20, the Sun is in Capricorn, your ninth house of expansion and optimism, helping you leap into the new year with big plans and big dreams. So what will your next adventure be—an entrepreneurial roll of the dice, a trip to a faraway destination, a return to school? Play out a few scenarios but don’t commit to anything concrete just yet. With Mercury retrograde scrambling signals until January 18, it’s best to keep things in the idea phase.

An eye-opening moment could arrive on January 18, when the Sun merges with transformational Pluto. If you’re considering taking a personal growth workshop, a life-changing trip or quitting a toxic habit, this day will give you the courage and extra willpower to make that change. The ninth house rules travel and cross-cultural connections. Is it time to press “buy now” on that wellness retreat or weekend “experience” in the woods, sans cell phone? You might receive a surprising jolt of wisdom from someone quite different than you. Welcome this unlikely teacher and be open to their message, even (especially!) if it arrives through a button-pushing or uncomfortable encounter.

But…Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn until January 18

Until January 18, Mercury will retrograde through Capricorn, your ninth house of dreams and schemes. Mercury’s mayhem could thwart some of your big-picture plans—at least in the short-term. If you’re planning a vacation, for example, you may be better off waiting until late January to book. At the very least, do your research. Make sure passports are up to date, read TripAdvisor reviews and so on. 

Watch out for general delays and hindrances—give yourself plenty of wiggle room when trying to catch a flight or get to a meeting. With Mercury gone rogue in this outspoken part of your chart, your message might be off or ill-received. You could easily offend when you blurt out your unfiltered thoughts. Self-edit rigorously before you speak or post. 

The January 6 Cancer full moon hands you the microphone

Look who’s feeling chatty! You’ve got a lot to say this Friday, January 6, when a full moon in Cancer and your third house of communication has you percolating with ideas and plans. Don’t let the still-hungover hordes bring down the vibe. Serve ’em a strong brew then get busy brainstorming for the coming year. Once the gems start flowing, be sure to record them all in one place, then map them into some tangible actions. With this full moon in tight opposition to Mercury retrograde, it could be easy to lose track of what people said. (P.S. Set some ground rules before opening up the forum because discussions could veer wildly off topic.)

The Cancer full moon could plant the seeds of important conversations and collaborations with kindred spirits that will unfold in the coming weeks. And there will be no shortage of inspiration while the Sun sails through Capricorn until January 20. Keep a voice recorder or Notes app handy.

Every year, the first full moon is either in Cancer or Leo, which we think sets the tone for the entire year. Don’t be surprised if there’s a strong focus on your social circle and kindred spirits in 2023. Nurture those bonds now because when lucky Jupiter enters your sign on May 16, you’ll want an army of well-connected people to help spread the word and open doors on your behalf.

Aquarius season sparks ambitions starting January 20

On January 20, the Sun shifts into Aquarius, your tenth house of ambition and professional success. It’s time to put those blue-sky ideas and 2023 resolutions into a real-deal action plan. Give structure to your long-term objectives—how can you increase your productivity and serve your professional goals? Play by the books, Taurus, and let your priorities direct your actions. If you need guidance, a mentor could provide sound advice. Since the tenth house rules men, a key male in your life may play an important role during this time. 

Enter the Water Rabbit! Aquarius new moon and Lunar New Year’s Eve on January 21

January 21 is the year’s first new moon, and it falls in your tenth house of career and long-term planning. Set some concrete goals around your biggest ambitions and start taking the first steps. Where would you like to be by the August 1 Aquarius full moon in six months? Start there and reverse-engineer your plans.

It’s also the eve of Lunar New Year, which marks a powerful shift in direction for the world. We’ll send the intense Water Tiger back into his cage and bring in the buclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” nnies—namely, the abundant and creative Water Rabbit, our new ruling animal until February 9, 2024.

Since February 1, 2022, the cagey Tiger has made it hard to predict what would happen next. The Tiger is ruled by the planet Uranus (which is in your sign…more on that shortly), a rebellious and disruptive energy that’s at odds with the natural Taurean desire for certainty and security. To say you’ve been kept on your toes for the last year is an understatement! 

The Rabbit is linked to imaginative and dreamy Neptune, an important cycle to let your subconscious have a seat at the planning table. This is a different breed of “uncomfortable” for you, Taurus. You like a pragmatic plan and to know where you should invest your energy so you can suit up and get on the field for the game. In the Water Rabbit year, making time for meditation, creative visualization and an intuition tune-up will bolster your efforts, helping you work smarter, not harder. 

If you can’t find your way to a meditation pillow, here’s a Taurus workaround: music! Ethereal Neptune loves art, dance, film and sound, all things your Venus-ruled sign can get behind. When stress or overwhelm hit during the year of the Water Rabbit, have a playlist ready, be it your favorite enchanting recording artists or a beautiful film soundtrack that transports you from worry to serenity.

Back in action! Uranus retrograde in Taurus ends on January 22

Here’s another shining moment to look forward to, Bull: On January 22, destabilizing Uranus ends a five-month retrograde in Taurus. As the planet of innovation and freedom powers into direct (forward) motion, you’ll get your swagger back! With Jupiter slogging through Aries until May 16, this will be the “backup generator” that you rely on until then. We’re not suggesting you completely remove all filters (never a good idea for your sign) and go on an uncensored rampage telling everyone exactly what you think of them. But DO emerge back onto the scene—with diplomacy and decorum—and remind the world that you’ve got some original ideas worth considering.

Love takes a turn for the serious this month as the planets of amour, Venus and Mars, travel through the more goal-oriented and practical parts of your chart. 

From January 2 to 26, romantic Venus settles into Aquarius and your structured tenth house of long-term goals and responsibility. Where do you ultimately want to go with your partner? Do you have the same vision for the future, whatever that may be? This month is an important time to talk about that, especially since Mercury is retrograde until January 18 in your visionary ninth house. You’ll need to practice extreme patience when conversations get tense. But as long as you can handle that (or take timeouts as needed), you could really work through some important shared issues.

Then, on January 12, passionate Mars ends a ten-week retrograde backspin through Gemini and your stabilizing second house. If you’ve been arguing about money or struggling to discover shared values since October 30, this will be a welcome pivot. Mars will remain in Gemini until March 25, so don’t expect to just move on from these issues and sweep them under the rug. But you can now deal with them proactively and ask the tough questions.

For couples, Mars direct could help you sort out some stress around your finances and lifestyle, especially if that’s cut into quality time. Single Bulls will be interested in a secure partnership, but be aware: You feel the pressure to lock down plans around home, babies or an up-in-the-air part of your personal life. Easy, Taurus! While it’s okay to have a timeline (you can’t wait around forever), that kind of anxiety can be a romance killer. Set aside the five-year plan if you start to fixate on it. 

With Mars in this productive zone, work may keep you extra busy—but it could also turn up some sexy new leads if you’re single. Whether a flirty dynamic with a coworker inspires you to show up early at the office every day (no harm there!) or you meet someone unexpectedly at an industry event, it’ll make the winter go by faster. Couples could feel the pinch of post-holiday money stress or demanding work schedules now that it’s the new year. Be careful not to take it out on each other. Book a few decadent dates or something special near Valentine’s Day if you’re having trouble penciling each other in during this crunch time.

You’re itching to blast out of your comfort zone, Taurus. Until January 20, the Sun is in Capricorn, your ninth house of expansion and big ideas, helping you envision a whole new professional path. 

As the year begins, you might be excited about an entrepreneurial venture or a big idea that’s worthy of the world’s stage. An especially powerful day occurs on January 18, when the Sun links up with willful Pluto, helping you tap into visionary strength you didn’t know you had. You could be strongly influenced by a teacher or motivational speaker whose message resonates with your larger purpose. You could also make your mark with a stirring presentation or a written piece of your own.

But pace yourself. Until January 18, communicator Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn, slowing down or re-routing some of your big plans. With Mercury rogue in your ninth house of unfiltered honesty, playing devil’s advocate could come at a price. You don’t want to end up being the “messenger” who gets branded a troublemaker right now. Take note of what you observe, then present your findings once you have a green light and a receptive audience later in the month. You could be heralded as a genius problem solver if you serve up your critiques correctly—and that’s what you really want, Bull.

Keep a firm handle on your budget and spending, especially until January 12, when stressful Mars wraps up a ten-week retrograde in Gemini and your money zone. If funds have been tight due to erratic work conditions or a big expense, you’ll be able to find a way forward. As the saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. While a holiday cash crunch or job upheaval never feels good, it was a wake-up call to focus, prioritize and remember your values (and value!). Mars is in Gemini until March 25, which could bring short deadlines and long hours. However, you stand to make a nice bundle of profits if you put your energy into the right projects.

On January 20, the Sun enters Aquarius, your tenth house of career advancement, helping you make solid strides toward your long-term goals. Think strategically about what you really want, Taurus. Every move you make should fit into the larger professional puzzle. Coupled with Mars in Gemini, this could be a banner season for your career.

The January 21 Aquarius new moon could help you envision a clear path forward. You may need to log longer hours at your desk, but you’ll probably do so happily, knowing the time will pay off in a promotion, leadership cred or new opportunity. It feels really good to be this diligent and productive. Hard-earned success is on its way, and you’ll feel this well into February.

Love Days: 11, 15

Money Days: 3, 21

Luck Days: 28, 20

Off Days: 26, 13, 18

See All Signs

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Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been ELLE.com‘s official astrologers for over a decade. They are the authors of several astrology books, including their popular yearly horoscope guides, and have read charts for celebrities including Beyonce, Karlie Kloss and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at  astrostyle.com.

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