Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Cancer Monthly Horoscope

Cancer Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF September

There’s so much going on now…but could you use a nap? You may volley between a million social engagements then an energy crash under September’s skies. Virgo season keeps your schedule packed as the Sun travels through your social and curious third house. You’re percolating with ideas, eager to share them with kindred spirits and just enjoy the fun of back-from-summer season.

The sleepy or introspective energy comes courtesy of motivator Mars, which is in Gemini and your restful, healing twelfth house. This is a challenge transit for the action planet since all that “yang” energy gets turned inward. You may feel wired and tired at the same time, besieged by waves of strong emotions that make it hard to relax and sleep. 

Start taking those supplements and prioritizing self-care, Crab: Mars is here for an extended seven-month visit, from August 20, 2022, until March 25, 2023. That’s four times the usual residency in any zodiac sign, so you’ll need to plan accordingly. Rule number one: Don’t overbook or overextend yourself. This an opportunity to do some powerful inner work—but also a clear signal from the universe that you can’t sweep unfinished business under the rug. Break through subconscious blocks with hypnotherapy; listen to some binaural beats on a meditation app to balance your brain hemispheres and calm anxiety. If you’ve wanted to explore your artistic or spiritual gifts more, the long Mars in Gemini cycle can be extremely fruitful. 

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With all five of the outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune AND Pluto—in powered-down retrograde mode this month, you’re best served taking your time anyhow. And on September 9, Mercury, ruler of communication and technology, joins the retrograde parade, backing through your home and communication sectors until October 2. 

When the Sun sneaks into Libra and your domestic fourth house on September 22, your already-strong desire to nest dials up to the max. Treat yourself to new kitchen equipment, upgrade your bedding and spend time with your most nurturing loved ones. Looking for a new place to live? The September 25 Libra new moon could bring changes to your home and family situation.

Get out and circulate! It’s Virgo season until September 22

September begins in full social swing, and your calendar could be packed in short order. The Sun is making its annual visit to Virgo, activating your third house of community and communication until September 22. Make the rounds at your neighborhood hotspots. Host a little pre-game tapas party and hop between gatherings. Immerse yourself in brainstorming sessions at work.

While you’ll have a million great ideas, you might want to save a few to Drafts rather than sharing them once Mercury turns retrograde on September 9 (more on that in a minute). Even the most brilliant concepts could be misunderstood or, worse, claimed by someone else. For the rest of Virgo season, you might want to edit your guest lists with care, especially if you’re opening the doors to your own home. There’s not enough sage and palo santo on the planet to get the bad vibes out of your inner sanctum now. If you’re sharing an original work, make them sign an NDA.

Mercury turns retrograde September 9-October 2

Like we were saying, Mercury—the planet of communication, travel and technology—will turn retrograde early in the month, disrupting progress and crossing wires. From September 9 to 23, Mercury will backtrack through Libra and your domestic fourth house, then it will dip back into Virgo and your communication zone, correcting course on October 2. 

For the majority of this tricky transit, the mischievous messenger planet could bring friction to your personal life, so you’ll need to take special care to navigate around it. From disagreements with roommates to relatives (especially female-identified ones) working your nerves, you’ll need to practice extreme patience. Mercury retrograde could cause some of your appliances and especially electronics to go on the fritz. 

If you’re upgrading your decor, take your time to research your options. If you can, hold off on buying that new appliance or painting your bedroom a hue that looks better on your favorite design blogger’s TikTok than your sleep sanctuary. Meet Pinterest: Your new BFF! Make mood boards, collect samples and test out swatches before you commit.

Since retrogrades rule the past, you might reconnect with a long-lost relative or do some research into your family heritage. (Beware: That kit could get lost in the mail since Mercury rules the postal system.) Don’t be surprised if a wave of nostalgia sweeps over you. In fact, some feelings you haven’t processed could crop up now. This Mercury retrograde can be a healing time, so allow yourself to feel any sadness or hurt that you’ve swept under the rug. 

On September 23, Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo and your expressive third house, doubling your odds of being wildly misunderstood. Be careful what you put in writing, and read all the fine print before signing anything legally binding. Tension could erupt with a sibling, neighbor or colleague. Avoid antagonistic people and instead, reconnect with old friends. Dust off an abandoned project or hobby, or polish your skills by taking a weekend workshop.

Adventure awaits at the September 10 Pisces full moon

Take a wide-angle view, Crab! This September 10, a full moon lands in Pisces and your big-picture ninth house. Step back and look at everything through the lens of no-limits possibilities. Instead of trying to fix every little problem or worrying about what could go wrong, start with your grandest goals and work backward from there. It doesn’t matter if it’s never been done before. Why shouldn’t you be the one to pioneer this?

If you’ve been searching for the words to speak your truth, the Pisces full moon will help. As la luna beams into your outspoken ninth house, you’ll find the courage to say what’s been on your mind. Try not to over-prepare—there’s no “perfect” way to say this, Cancer., so just own it! The ninth house rules travel, study and entrepreneurship, and this lunar lift could bring long-awaited news in any of these areas. Keep your weekender bag and passport at the ready!

Libra season starts September 22, with a September 25 Libra new moon

Whew! Feeling a bit worn out by it all? You’ll get a chance to cozy up at Chateau Crab starting September 22, when the Sun moves into Libra and your domestic fourth house. For the next month, you can enjoy some relaxing downtime in your favorite place—home sweet home—bonding with loved ones, nesting and deep-lounging. As the native ruler of the fourth house, you should feel right in your pumpkin-spice zone once the fall equinox arrives.

If you’ve been considering a move, talking babies or craving family time, the September 25 Libra new moon is the perfect day to start hunting for your dream home and making plans for your clan. But don’t rush into anything too quickly. Not only is Mercury retrograde (a tricky time for signing contracts or making binding decisions), but this new moon will be opposing over-optimistic Jupiter. You could feel torn between head and heart, not sure which one to follow. 

With Jupiter in Aries and your career zone, changes with your job could impact a family or housing decision. Explore your options thoroughly before you commit. You might even be offered a position that involves travel and relocation. Though exciting, this opportunity might clash with some personal life plans. Don’t say “yes” or “no” until you’ve weighed every scenario. If you truly can’class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” t make up your mind, consider using the 10/10/10 decision-making metric by Suzy Welch: How will this make you feel in 10 minutes, 10 months and 10 years?

Is your mojo in slo-mo? Lusty Mars is napping in Gemini and your restful and dreamy twelfth house until March 25, an extra-long visit that could either dial up the fantasy or make you way too emotionally fragile. (Possibly both!) If you find yourself on the edge of snapping, take a step back and get some support rather than charging in for a confrontation. While you may have reached your breaking point, this confusing period could also find you projecting some of your own issues onto the other person. In fact, if you start obsessing or getting way too attached, that’s a likely sign that unresolved issues are creeping into the present tense.

Is a relationship constantly in the “in-between place,” or are you harboring a clandestine attraction? With Mars in this secretive sector, sorting fact from fantasy could be challenging. The twelfth house rules surrender, so the more you try to force an outcome, the less likely you are to create it. A slower pace will help you see through illusions, especially while communication and information planet Mercury is retrograde from September 9 to October 2. Someone could appear who seems like a soulmate, but don’t be too quick to grant them that status. Your sizzling attraction to this person could cause you to overlook red flags. Conduct your due diligence now, before Mars slips into a tricky retrograde from October 30 to January 12.

Combative Mars in your internal twelfth house could bring out a passive-aggressive streak (yes, Cancer, they know something’s bugging you). While you’re wise to choose your words carefully, along with your battles, it’s better to be clear than make someone walk on eggshells. 

Luckily, peacemaker Venus is in Virgo and your communication house from September 5 to 29, mitigating some of this intensity. You’ll be able to muster your diplomacy and even humor to help lighten the mood. Getting out and socializing with your S.O. or amour du jour can also keep you out of the emo swamplands. During this time, the couple that plays together stays together!

Can’t get past a sticking point? Better to get any conflict out in the open so you know where you stand. The September 16 Venus-Mars square, an embattled 90-degree standoff, could bring suppressed grievances into the open. Set some ground rules for any tough conversations because you’ll be tempted to throw some low jabs. It’s hard to repair the damage of irrevocable words, especially when they hit a painful spot.

Get your ideas out to the world, Cancer. With the Sun in Virgo and your expressive third house until September 22, this month is favorable for meeting with prospective clients, polishing your online presence and sharing your message with the world. Well, mostly. You’ll have to navigate communicator Mercury’s retrograde (backward) spin from September 9 until October 2, which can scramble signals and put your data at risk. Back up your electronic files and devices well before this date, Crab. 

When the September 10 Pisces full moon illuminates your ninth house of study and entrepreneurship, an exciting opportunity could arise, perhaps from afar. Got a big idea but not sure how to pull it off, much less even begin? Your visionary concepts might benefit from additional training or joining an inspired mastermind.

The Sun moves into Libra and your domestic sphere for a month on September 22. Ramp up the self-care and turn your home into a hub of productivity—especially at the September 25 Libra new moon. There’s no better time to transform your space into a pretty and productive nest. Find a comfy place to sit, then take “inventory”: Could your walls use a vibrant coat of paint? Have you made any room for your free weights or yoga mat? Does your home office feel like a place you actually want to get work done? Clear out the clutter (be ruthless!) and make room for the new. You never know: Your spruced-up abode could become a profit zone by renting your place out on Airbnb-type sites for additional income.

Love Days: 28, 5

Money Days: 12, 21

Luck Days: 19, 10

Off Days: 16, 3, 7

See All Signs

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade. They are the authors of several astrology books, including their popular yearly horoscope guides, and have read charts for celebrities including Beyonce, Karlie Kloss and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at

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