Tax Advisor and Entrepreneur Karla Dennis on Valuable Assets Business Owners Can Utilize Moving Forward


When attempting to run a successful business, most people feel hopeless even before they begin. That’s what stops the people who are not into business. They are afraid that the chances of them creating a startup business venture and then making it successful are very low. However, that’s not the case, and people with experience in business would agree. Karla Dennis, America’s most talented tax advisor and the CEO of Karla Dennis and Associates, Inc., is also an incredibly successful Entrepreneur. She is not only a good businesswoman but also helps other businesses grow. Karla believes that, when it comes to business, the following are some things that business owners should utilize moving forward. 

  1. Communication

Karla believes that without good communication, there is no chance for a startup to succeed. Business is about winning clients, which is impossible if you don’t know how to talk to them. It’s also very important when you are serving your clients and customers.

Simply good communication is not the key, says Karla. She believes you have to look at your clients and use the communication medium they want you to use. You should always go for the communication medium that is the easiest and most accessible for your clients and customers.

  • Clarity

Always stay clear and transparent with your clients. Karla believes that if you aren’t honest and clear with your customers and clients, you cannot make them your regular customers and thereby never succeed. 

  • Confidence

Karla believes that startups should have confidence in what they do. She says to never be the jack of all trades and never be unconfident about your skills. Find out what you are best at and make it your business. 

  • Availability

If you start a business and don’t attend to your clients effectively, you cannot succeed. Karla believes that if you are an in-person business and your customers are online; you have to be online. If your customers need 24-hour access, you have to set up a business that is accessible 24/7 to your customers. You have to engage the clients where they are.

There are some serious mistakes that business startups make. Here are some mistakes Karla highlights that they must avoid at all costs.

  1. Perfectionism

Karla says that business startups usually start with a good idea but don’t move as quickly as they should. This is because they want perfection. Karla says that business startups need to understand that in business, we course correct as we go, but we have to go and keep the revenue flowing. She says: “Don’t stop progress for perfection.” 

  • Inflexibility

Karla believes that successful businesses always ask their customers what they want and give their clients what they want. The mistake startups make is that they remain so inflexible that they are unwilling to change what they are doing because they believe their idea is the best. She says:

“There is a difference between a great idea and an idea that generates sales revenue and makes a profit because it’s in line with the needs of the consumers.”

Karla has been running her firm, Karla Dennis and Associates, Inc., successfully for years. What makes her firm successful is that she doesn’t run it like a traditional CPA firm or accounting firm. Yes, they do accounting and taxes, but they are in the people business. The three C’s, i.e., clarity, communication, and confidence, are the core pillars of her firm. Her firm stays one hundred percent clear and transparent with clients. If there is something they can’t do, they tell them right away.

It is important to do your business in the best way possible. That’s why you need to have the energy to do it at all times. Karla believes everyone can re-energize and push their businesses forward. She believes people should do what their specific skills are and not be the jacks of all trades. If you are a CEO, do CEO stuff, she says. If you feel tired, re-energize by taking a few days off, grab some quiet time, and think.